S e s s i o n / t r e a t m e n t   f o r m s


Each session is different and is a combination of various treatment methods. The session is individually tailored to your needs. The following treatment tools are included:


S y s t e m i c   w o r k
A systemic constellation enables a higher-level view of a topic. By looking from above connections, causes, entanglements, solutions and your individual needs can be recognized.
You replace things back in the right order and you will find your way back to your original place and path. This realignment changes consciousness and allows healing to happen in the way that you desire.
The method is discreet, targeted and ideal for working with children and young people.


M e d i u m s h i p

Sensible-mediumistic abilities enable access to subtle energies and spiritual forces. This is a valuable tool for getting insightful answers and holistically identifying solutions. You feel recognized in your entire being and supported lovingly. Mental injuries are gently touched through the mediumistic channel. This contact can have a relaxing and healing effect.
There is a possibility that people from the spirit world make themselves known during a session. A contact with the spirit world always ends with a positive message.


E n e r g y   w o r k

An energy treatment cleanses, harmonizes and strengthens physical, emotional and mental levels of yourself. Your positive energy flow gets stimulated and self-healing powers can get activated. Entanglements can be solved and missing parts of your soul will return. This allows healing on physical and mental levels. After an energy treatment you feel balanced and strengthened to continue your path with more clarity, health and confidence.
This energy method includes aspects of trance and shamanic practice and is based on the holistic healing method METpathix.



M e d i t a t i o n
Through meditation it becomes possible to reach a state beyond thoughts.
We reconnect with our original essence. Through the state of contemplation, the ability for self-knowledge develops. Compassion and trust can be strengthened, thought processes are changed and our consciousness expands. We develop joy, inner peace and promote love and connection among people.
The meditations are always guided and are suitable for people who have no previous knowledge.
T r a n c e  H e a l in g
Trance healing is by no means identical to energy work. It is not the medium who has a healing effect with his or her personal powers, but the spiritual world that works through the medium. This is the highest form of healing, because in it the spiritual world has a direct effect on our earthly world. When two worlds meet, miracles often happen. In contrast, human energy is limited. In England, spiritual healing has been practiced for many years and is highly valued. Not only doctors and healers work closely together. There are also collaborations with clinics.


My offer should be accessible to all people. You are welcome to contact me to find a financial way.
My usual rates are: Session of 60 minutes CHF 140.–/ each additional 1/4 hour CHF 30.–
Visits at the hospital or at your home are possible by arrangement. Remote treatment only in emergencies.

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